Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
مقال رأي

relevante Treffer
article (n.) , [pl. articles] , {jorn.}
مقال {صحافة}
paper (n.) , [pl. papers]
write-up (n.) , {jorn.}
مقال {صحافة}
essay (n.) , [pl. essays]
opined (adj.)
screed (n.) , {jorn.}
مَقَال {صحافة}
to be think (v.) , {that}
to be hold the view (v.) , {that}
to be believe (v.) , {that}
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
say (n.) , {relations}
to look into (v.)
to attend (v.)
to study (v.)
to examine (v.)
to take up (v.)
advice (n.)