deluge (n.) , [pl. deluges]
relevante Treffer
to stake (v.)
غامر {بِـ}
much (adj.)
ample (adj.)
overwhelming (adj.) , [ more overwhelming ; most overwhelming]
to risk (v.) , [ risked ; risked ]
غامر {بِـ}
to gamble (v.) , [ gambled ; gambled ]
to take a chance (v.)
غامر {بِـ}
copious (adj.)
to adventure (v.) , [ adventured ; adventured ]
غامر {بِـ}
to take a risk (v.)
غامر {بِـ}
to venture (v.)
غامر {بِـ}
to hazard (v.)
غامر {بِـ}
ضوء غامر {لا يرسل ظلالا}
floodlight (n.) , [pl. floodlights]
encomiast (adj.)
مُطْرٍ {المُطْرِي}