HPI {history of present illness}, {Med}
relevante Treffer
DOB {date of birth}, {Med}
ARD {acute respiratory disease}, {Med}
STD {sexually transmitted disease}, {Med}
PID {pelvic inflammatory disease}, {Med}
VDH {valvular disease of the heart}, {Med}
IHD {ischemic heart disease}, {Med}
present (n.) , {relations}
instant (adj.) , [ more instant ; most instant]
current (adj.) , [ more current ; most current ]
adverbial (adj.) , [ more adverbial ; most adverbial ]
present-day (adj.) , {account.}
حالِيّ {محاسبة}
actual (adj.)
current record (n.) , {Comp}
السجل الحالي {كمبيوتر}
current time (n.) , {Comp}
الوقت الحالي {كمبيوتر}