Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
مجلات إخبارية

relevante Treffer
magazines (n.) , [sing. a magazine]
journals (n.) , [sing. a journal]
quarterlies (n.) , [sing. quarterly]
comics (n.) , [sing. a comic]
monthlies (n.) , [sing. a monthly]
pictorials (n.) , [sing. pictorial]
newsletter {Med}
الرسالة الإخبارية {لبرنامج المنظمة المعني بالتدخين و الصحة}، {طب}
coverage {jorn.}
newsworthy (adj.) , [ more newsworthy ; most newsworthy] , {jorn.}
newsletter (n.) , [pl. newsletters] , {of the WHO Smoking and Health Programme}
newsworthiness (n.) , [pl. newsworthinesses]
dispatch (n.) , [pl. dispatches]