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لحم القطط

relevante Treffer
to cut (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
to pare (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
to lathe (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
to carve (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
to turn (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
tomcats (n.) , [sing. a tomcat]
to trim (v.)
قطط {الخَشَبَةَ إلخ}
cats (n.) , [sing. a cat]
cattery (n.) , [pl. catteries]
wildcats (n.) , [sing. a wildcat]
gatophobia {ailurophobia}, {Med}
to conjoin (v.) , [ conjoined ; conjoined ]
to be plump (v.)
to be fleshy (v.)
to mend (v.)
to fuse (v.)
to solder (v.)
to anastomose (v.)