Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
كويزي أصفر الساق

relevante Treffer
xanthic (adj.) , {Chemie}
أصفر {كمياء}
xantho (n.) , {Chemie}
أَصْفَر {كمياء}
to void (v.)
to vacate (v.)
to become yellow (v.) , {turn, grow}
yellow-colored (adj.) , {colours}
to pale (v.)
yellowish (adj.) , {colours}
to become pale or pallid (v.) , {turn, grow}
amaril {Med}
yellowy (adj.) , {colours}
to yellow (v.) , {colours}
empty (adj.)
yellow (adj.) , [pl. yellows] , {colours}, {Chemie}
أصفر {كمياء}
xanthous {Med}
unbleached beeswax {yellow wax}, {Med}
yellow cartilage {elastic cartilage}, {Med}
الغُضْروفُ الأَصْفَر {غُضْروفٌ مَرِن}، {طب}