relevante Treffer
lament (n.) , [pl. laments]
apulotic {Med}
cicatrizing enteritis {regional enteritis}, {Med}
الْتِهابُ الأَمْعاءِ المُنَدِّب {الْتِهَابُ الأَمْعَاءِ النَّاحِي}، {طب}
chateaux (n.) , [pl. chateaux / chateaus]
fortresses (n.) , [sing. a fortress]
aphtha {Med}
قُلاع {طب}
thrush (n.) , {Med}
قلاع {طب}
thrush (n.) , [pl. thrushes] , {Med}
contagious aphthae {epizootic aphthae}, {Med}
القُلاعُ السَّارِي {الحُمَّى القُلاعِيَّة}، {طب}
قُلاعُ بِدْنَار {عند الرضع}، {طب}
القُلاعُ الحَيَوَانِيُّ المَصْدَر {الحُمَّى القُلاعِيَّة}، {طب}
to look up (v.) , {in a book, dictionary, etc.}
to turn to (v.) , {a source, book, etc.}
to refer to (v.)
to reconsider (v.) , [ reconsidered ; reconsidered ]
to revise (v.)
to go over (v.)
to run over (v.)
to check (v.) , {up}