relevante Treffer
fingertip (n.) , [pl. fingertips] , {ant.}
أنملة {تشريح}
pulp pinch {Med}
مَسْكَةُ الأَنْمُلَة {بَينَ الإِبْهامِ وَأَنْمُلَةٍ أُخْرَى}، {طب}
to seclude (v.)
to control (v.)
to repress (v.)
to hold back (v.)
to isolate (v.)
to keep away (v.) , {from}
to prevent (v.)
to hinder (v.)
to retain (v.)
to curtail (v.)
to reduce (v.)
to beset (v.)
to hedge (v.)
to hem in (v.)
to shut in (v.)
to enclose (v.)
to soften (v.)
to moderate (v.)
to alleviate (v.)