فحص الضغط {صناعة}
relevante Treffer
test (n.) , [pl. tests]
testing (n.) , [pl. testings]
trial (n.) , [pl. trials]
study (n.) , {Bildung}
فَحْص {تعليم}
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications]
to verify (v.) , [ verified ; verified ]
to winnow (v.) , [ winnowed ; winnowed ]
to sound (v.) , {relations}
to probe (v.) , {relations}
probation (n.) , {relations}
to see into (v.)
check bit {Comp}
بت الفحص {كمبيوتر}
to audit (v.)
فحص {الحسابات}
checkup (n.) , [pl. checkups]
فحص {جِسْمانِيّ طِبّيّ}
check (n.) , [pl. checks]
to auscultate (v.) , [ auscultated ; auscultated ]
assay (n.) , [pl. assays] , {ing}
inspection (n.) , [pl. inspections]
research (n.) , [pl. researches]