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فحص الانبعاثات

relevante Treffer
Emissions {ind.}
to experiment (v.)
verification (n.) , [pl. verifications]
check bit {Comp}
بت الفحص {كمبيوتر}
exploration (n.) , [pl. explorations]
trial (n.) , [pl. trials]
to try (v.)
canvass (n.) , [pl. canvasses]
to verify (v.) , [ verified ; verified ]
to winnow (v.) , [ winnowed ; winnowed ]
to essay (v.)
to try out (v.)
to sample (v.)
scan {lang.}
فحص {لغة}
testing (n.) , [pl. testings]
to dissect (v.) , [ dissected ; dissected ]
to collate (v.)