relevante Treffer
vagarious (adj.) , [ more vagarious ; most vagarious ]
to take to (v.)
to fancy (v.)
to like (v.)
to be fond of (v.)
whim (n.) , [pl. whims]
هوًى {مُفَاجِئ}
to aerate (v.) , [ aerated ; aerated ]
to air (v.) , [ aired ; aired ]
to be in love with (v.) , {or fall}
to drop (v.) , [ dropped ; dropped ]
love (n.) , [pl. loves]
fantasy (n.) , [pl. fantasies]
passion (n.) , [pl. passions]
to be aerated (v.)
to be fanned (v.)
to be aired (v.)
vagary (n.) , [pl. vagaries] , {feelings & emotions}
هوى {مُفَاجِئ}
to love (v.)