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عرض قوي

relevante Treffer
Presenter View (n.) , {Comp}
virtuous (adj.) , [ more virtuous ; most virtuous]
to tie (v.)
to fasten (v.)
to reinforce (v.) , [ reinforced ; reinforced ]
to make fast (v.)
to root (v.)
to invigorate (v.) , [ invigorated ; invigorated ]
to intensify (v.) , [ intensified ; intensified ]
to fortify (v.) , [ fortified ; fortified ]
to enforce (v.) , [ enforced ; enforced ]
to consolidate (v.) , [ consolidated ; consolidated ]
to confirm (v.) , [ confirmed ; confirmed ]
to found (v.)
to stouten (v.)
to make tight (v.)
virile (adj.) , [ more virile ; most virile]
vigorous (adj.) , [ more vigorous ; most vigorous]
to well-knit (v.)
staunch (adj.) , [ stauncher ; staunchest]
rich (adj.) , [ richer ; richest]
pithy (adj.) , [ more pithy/pithier ; most pithy/pithiest]
manly (adj.) , [ manlier ; manliest]
intense (adj.) , [ intenser/more intense ; intensest/most intense]
to solid (v.)
fibrous (adj.) , [ more fibrous ; most fibrous]