slime (n.) , [pl. slimes]
relevante Treffer
clingy (adj.) , [ clingier ; clingiest]
mucous (adj.) , [ more mucous ; most mucous ]
thick (adj.) , [ thicker ; thickest]
agglutinant (adj.) , [ more agglutinant ; most agglutinant ]
gummy (adj.)
adhesive (adj.) , [ more adhesive ; most adhesive ]
tough (adj.) , [ tougher ; toughest]
smeary (adj.) , [ smearier ; smeariest]
to toughen (v.) , [ toughened ; toughened ]
mucilaginous (adj.) , [ more mucilaginous ; most mucilaginous]
slimy (adj.) , [ slimier ; slimiest ]
icky (adj.) , [ ickier ; ickiest]
gooey (adj.) , [ gooier ; gooiest]
sticky (adj.) , [ stickier ; stickiest ] , {Physik}
لزج {فزياء}
tacky (adj.) , [ tackier ; tackiest ]
gluey (adj.) , {account.}
لَزِج {محاسبة}
ropy (adj.) , [ more ropy ; most ropy]
viscid (adj.) , [ more viscid ; most viscid ]
glutinous (adj.) , [ more glutinous ; most glutinous ] , {Physik}
لزج {فزياء}
limy (adj.) , [ limier ; limiest ]
adherent (adj.)
goopy (adj.) , [ goopier ; goopiest ]
viscose (adj.) , {Physik}
لَزِج {فزياء}
to be gluey (v.)
to be sticky (v.)