thrust nut {arch.}
صمولة دسر {هندسة}
relevante Treffer
to bolt (v.)
to move (v.)
to wedge (v.)
to rush (v.)
to shove (v.)
to push along (v.)
to propel (v.) , {relations}, [ propelled ; propelled ]
push (n.) , [pl. pushes] , {ing}
to plug (v.)
to impel (v.)
to nail (v.)
pushing (n.) , {phil.}
دَسْر {فلسفة}
thrust (n.) , {ing}, {Physik}
دَسْر {فزياء}
to push ahead (v.)
drifting test {arch.}
اختبار الدسر {لقياس المطيلية}، {هندسة}
drive bolt {arch.}
مسمار دسر {هندسة}
thrust rod {arch.}
ساعد دسر {هندسة}
thrust power {aeron.}
قدرة الدسر {أو الدفع}، {ملاحة}