relevante Treffer
upset (adj.) , [ more upset ; most upset ]
to ossify (v.) , [ ossified ; ossified ]
to sentimentalize (v.) , [ sentimentalized ; sentimentalized ]
emotional (adj.) , [ more emotional ; most emotional]
emotional (adj.) , [ more emotional ; most emotional]
to sentimentalize (v.) , [ sentimentalized ; sentimentalized ]
iceberg (n.) , [pl. icebergs]
to light up (v.)
صبح {الوَجْهُ إلخ}
to brighten (v.)
صبح {الوَجْهُ إلخ}
to beam (v.)
صبح {الوَجْهُ إلخ}
to radiate (v.)
صبح {الوَجْهُ إلخ}
to flash up (v.)
صبح {الوَجْهُ إلخ}
to be comely (v.)
to wish a good morning (v.) , {to}
to break (v.) , {dawn}
morn (n.) , {Time}
morning (n.) , {Time}
dawn (n.) , {astron.}
صُبْح {فضاء وعلوم طيران}