relevante Treffer
emery cloth {arch.}
سفن {هندسة}
سفن {سمك}
سفن {سمك}
galleys (n.) , [sing. a galley]
ships (n.) , [sing. a ship]
vessels (n.) , [sing. a vessel]
to wedge (v.)
triremes (n.) , [sing. a trireme]
dampener (n.) , [pl. dampeners]
artificer (n.) , [pl. artificers]
manufacturer (n.) , [pl. manufacturers] , {professions}
operative (n.) , [pl. operatives]
to buy off (v.)
to blandish (v.)
to coax (v.)
to cajole (v.)
to flatter (v.)
worker (n.) , [pl. workers]
workman (n.) , [pl. workmen]
wright (n.) , [pl. wrights] , {professions}
craftsman (n.) , [pl. craftsmen]
to bribe (v.)