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relevante Treffer
to abdicate (v.) , {a throne or high office}, [ abdicated ; abdicated ]
to forgo (v.) , [ forwent ; forgone ]
to abandon (v.) , [ abandoned ; abandoned ]
cession (n.) , [pl. cessions]
to forsake (v.) , [ forsook ; forsaken ]
to forsake (v.) , [ forsook ; forsaken ]
to abdicate (v.) , [ abdicated ; abdicated ]
to abnegate (v.) , [ abnegated ; abnegated ]
abdication (n.) , [pl. abdications]
to relinquish (v.) , [ relinquished ; relinquished ]
abandonment (n.) , [pl. abandonments]
تخلي {عَنِ المَريض}
to expose (v.) , [ exposed ; exposed ]
to waive (v.) , [ waived ; waived ]
to desert (v.) , {in time of need}
to give up (v.) , [ gave up ; given up ]
to assign (v.) , [ assigned ; assigned ]
to cede (v.) , [ ceded ; ceded ]
to disclaim (v.) , [ disclaimed ; disclaimed ]
to drop (v.) , [ dropped ; dropped ]