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سَكَران قليلاً

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to become close (v.) , {r or near}
to move gradually (v.) , {toward}
drunk (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ drunker ; drunkest ]
groggy (adj.) , [ groggier ; groggiest]
paralytic (adj.) , [ more paralytic ; most paralytic]
sottish (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ more sottish ; most sottish]
inebriated (adj.) , {nutr.}
سَكْران {تغذيه}
tipsy (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
boozy (adj.) , [ boozier ; booziest]
intoxicated (adj.) , {entertainment}
drunken (adj.) , [ more drunken ; most drunken ]
sozzled (adj.) , [ more sozzled ; most sozzled ]
wrecked (adj.) , [ more wrecked ; most wrecked ]
inebriate (adj.) , {d}
besotted (adj.) , [ more besotted ; most besotted ]
drunkard's-arm paralysis {Saturday night paralysis}, {Med}
شَلَلُ ذِراعِ السَّكْران {شَلَلُ لَيلَةِ السَبْت}، {طب}