to clean
ساك {الأسْنانَ}
to brush {the teeth}
ساك {الأسْنانَ}
ähnliche Treffer
stilly (adj.) , {account.}
ساكِن {محاسبة}
reposeful (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ more reposeful ; most reposeful]
becalmed (adj.) , [ more becalmed ; most becalmed ]
windless (adj.) , [ more windless ; most windless ]
soundless (adj.) , {relations}
recollected (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
stator (n.) , [pl. stators] , {Elec. Eng.}
ساكن {الجزء الثابت في محرك أو مولد}، {هندسة كهربائية}
dweller (n.) , [pl. dwellers]
lintel (n.) , [pl. lintels] , {of a door}
speechless (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
tranquil (adj.) , [ more tranquil ; most tranquil ]
inhabitant (n.) , [pl. inhabitants]
silent (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ silenter/more silent ; silentest/most silent ]
even (adj.) , [ more even ; most even ]
vowelless (adj.) , {lang.}
ساكِن {لغة}، {لغة}
quiet (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, [ quieter ; quietest ]
calm (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}, {account.}
ساكن {محاسبة}
pacific (adj.) , [ more pacific ; most pacific ]
resident (adj.) , [pl. residents]
shedder (n.) , [pl. shedders] , {relations}
still (adj.) , {account.}
ساكِن {محاسبة}
featureless (adj.) , [ more featureless ; most featureless]
burgher (n.) , [pl. burghers]
mute (adj.)