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زيت بذر المشمش

relevante Treffer
apricot (n.) , [pl. apricots] , {s}, {nutr.}
مشمش {نَبَات مِنْ الْفَصِيلَة الْوَرْدِيَّة}، {تغذيه}
mish disease {apricots dysentery}, {Med}
to spend (v.) , [ spent ; spent ]
to inseminate (v.) , [ inseminated ; inseminated ]
to disperse (v.) , [ dispersed ; dispersed ]
to scatter (v.) , [ scattered ; scattered ]
to lose (v.)
germ (n.) , {Bio.}
بَذْر {بيولوجيا}
seeding (n.) , [pl. seedings]
dissemination (n.) , [pl. disseminations]
to strew (v.) , [ strewed ; strewn / strewed ] , {Landwirt.}
بذر {زراعة}
pip (n.) , {Botanik}
بَذْر {نبات}
strewing (n.) , {Landwirt.}
بَذْر {زراعة}
spore (n.) , {Bio.}
بَذْر {بيولوجيا}
to waste (v.)
drill (n.)
to dissipate (v.)
to be in vain (v.)
to inseminate (v.) , {Landwirt.}
بذر {زراعة}