relevante Treffer
rose {s}
to export (v.)
to appear (v.)
ورد {في}
to import (v.) , [ imported ; imported ]
to come (v.) , {to}, [ came ; come ]
ورد {بِوَصْفِهِ دَخْلاً أو عائِداتٍ إلخ}
to arrive (v.) , [ arrived ; arrived ]
to accrue (v.) , {to}
ورد {بِوَصْفِهِ دَخْلاً أو عائِداتٍ إلخ}
to get to (v.)
roses (n.) , Pl., {Botanik}
وَرْد {نبات}
to supply (v.)
to be said (v.)
to be stated (v.)
to reach (v.)
to arrive at (v.)
to come to (v.)
to deliver (v.)
to provide (v.)
roses (n.) , [sing. a rose]