relevante Treffer
to plant (v.)
set {Med}
شَتْل {طب}
to transplant (v.)
to dismiss (v.) , [ dismissed ; dismissed ]
to reject (v.) , {relations}
to abnegate (v.) , [ abnegated ; abnegated ]
to throw over (v.)
disallowance (n.) , [pl. disallowances]
disapprobation (n.) , [pl. disapprobations]
to turn down (v.)
disapproval (n.) , [pl. disapprovals]
to refuse (v.) , [ refused ; refused ]
to deny (v.) , [ denied ; denied ]
objection (n.) , [pl. objections]
overrule, to {Med}
رفض {قراراً}، {طب}
reprobation (n.) , [pl. reprobations]
to throw up (v.)
to throw out (v.)
to repudiate (v.) , {relations}, [ repudiated ; repudiated ]
to ignore (v.) , [ ignored ; ignored ]
to veto (v.) , [ vetoed ; vetoed ] , {Pol}
رفض {مُسْتَخْدِماً الفِيتُو}، {سياسة}