yobbo [pl. yobbos / yobboes]
relevante Treffer
lateral sulcus for lateral sinus of parietal bone {sulcus sinus sigmoidei ossis parietalis}, {Med}
التَّلَمُ الوَحْشِيُّ للجَيبِ الوَحْشِيِّ للعَظْمِ الجِدارِيّ {تَلَمُ الجَيبِ السِّينِيِّ للعَظْمِ الجِدارِيّ}، {طب}
to test (v.)
harsh (adj.) , [ harsher ; harshest ]
obdurate (adj.) , [ more obdurate ; most obdurate ]
merciless (adj.) , [ more merciless ; most merciless ]
acute (adj.) , [ more acute/acuter ; most acute/acutest ]
to sustain (v.) , [ sustained ; sustained ]
to try (v.)
to taste (v.)
cruelest (adj.) , [ crueler/crueller ; cruelest/cruellest ]
cruel (adj.) , [ crueler/crueller ; cruelest/cruellest ]
to bear (v.)
to meet (v.) , {with}
to suffer (v.) , [ suffered ; suffered ]
to endure (v.)
tough (adj.) , [ tougher ; toughest ]