thrush [pl. thrushes] , {birds}
دج {طائر}
fieldfare {birds}
دُجّ {طائر}
mavis {birds}
دُجّ {طائر}
throstle {birds}
دُجّ {طائر}
ähnliche Treffer
to manure (v.) , {Landwirt.}
دَجَّلَ {زراعة}
imposture (n.) , [pl. impostures]
deception (n.) , [pl. deceptions]
to blacktop (v.)
to deceive (v.) , [ deceived ; deceived ]
to tar (v.) , {Chemie}
دَجَّلَ {كمياء}
to asphalt (v.)
to cheat (v.) , [ cheated ; cheated ]
fraud (n.) , [pl. frauds]
charlatanry (n.) , [pl. charlatanries]
quackery (n.) , [pl. quackeries]
quack (n.) , [pl. quacks]
operator (n.) , [pl. operators]
quacksalver {quack}, {Med}
fowl (n.) , [pl. fowls]
empiric (n.) , [pl. empirics]
phony (n.) , [pl. phonies]
mountebank (n.) , [pl. mountebanks]
chickens (n.) , [sing. a chicken]