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دَرَجَة مِن دَرَجَات الْبُنِّيّ

relevante Treffer
Sepia Tone (n.) , {Comp}
to construct (v.) , [ constructed ; constructed ]
to mason (v.)
to levee (v.)
to create (v.)
to establish (v.)
to put up (v.)
brown (n.) , [pl. browns]
بني {لون}
to erect (v.) , [ erected ; erected ] , {Wirt}
بنى {اقتصاد}
barbel (n.) , {sea creatures}
بني {سَمَكٌ نَهْرِيّ}
to build (v.) , [ built ; built ]
to set up (v.)
brown (adj.) , [ browner/more brown ; brownest/most brown ]
بني {لون}
to install (v.)
to make (v.)
to build up (v.)
to form (v.)
to raise (v.)
Sepia (n.) , {Comp}
بني {كمبيوتر}
to rear (v.)
to found (v.)
to develop (v.)
grades (n.) , [sing. a grade]
pitches (n.) , [sing. a pitch]
coefficients (n.) , Pl., {math.}
درجات {رياضيات}
stairs (n.) , [sing. a stair]