خمج مقيّح {خمج}، {طب}
relevante Treffer
maturant {Med}
suppurative phlebitis {septic phlebitis}, {Med}
الْتِهابٌ وَرِيْدِيٌّ مُقَيِّح {الْتِهابٌ وَرِيْدِيٌّ نَّتْن}، {طب}
suppurative pleurisy {thoracic empyema}, {Med}
الْتِهَابُ الجَنْبَةِ المُقَيِّح {دُبَيلَةٌ صَدْرِيَّة}، {طب}
pyogenic pachymeningitis {1. extradural abscess 2. subdural abscess}, {Med}
الْتِهابُ الجافِيَةِ المُقَيِّح {1.الخُراجُ خَارِجَ الجافِيَةِ 2.الخُراجُ تَحْتَ الجافِيَة}، {طب}
sepsis (n.)
infection {Med}
خمج {طب}
decomposition (n.) , [pl. decompositions]
infection (n.) , [pl. infections]
to decay (v.) , [ decayed ; decayed ]
to mold (v.) , [ molded ; molded ]
to decompose (v.)
septic (adj.) , [ more septic ; most septic]