puddle {Civ. Eng.}
خلط الملاط {هندسة مدنية}
relevante Treffer
to ammoniate (v.) , {Chemie}
to mix up (v.)
to jumble (v.)
to commix (v.) , {Chemie}
خَلَطَ {كمياء}
to mell (v.)
to interlard (v.)
to confuse (v.) , [ confused ; confused ]
خلط {بين}
to confound (v.) , [ confounded ; confounded ]
to commingle (v.) , [ commingled ; commingled ]
to sugarcoat (v.) , {nutr.}
to intermix (v.)
to scramble (v.)
to muddle (v.)
mixture (n.) , [pl. mixtures]
to pestle (v.) , [ pestled ; pestled ]
to admix (v.) , [ admixed ; admixed ]