to accost (v.) , [ accosted ; accosted ]
relevante Treffer
FIFO {Wirt}
المشترى أولاً يصرف أولاً {أو الوارد}، {اقتصاد}
to keep alive (v.)
to hail (v.)
to statute (v.)
to bid (v.)
to greet (v.) , [ greeted ; greeted ]
vulva {Landwirt.}
حيا {زراعة}
to salute (v.)
to breathe (v.) , [ breathed ; breathed ]
to live (v.) , {Bio.}
بَقِيَ حَيًّا {بيولوجيا}
to survive (v.) , {Bio.}
بَقِيَ حَيًّا {بعد انقضاء حادث معين}، {بيولوجيا}
living (adj.) , {account.}
to luxuriate (v.) , [ luxuriated ; luxuriated ]
to implant (v.) , [ implanted ; implanted ]