Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
حسب رأي

relevante Treffer
to be believe (v.) , {that}
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
to be hold the view (v.) , {that}
to be think (v.) , {that}
to guess (v.)
to number (v.) , {math.}
حسب {رياضيات}
quantity (n.) , [pl. quantities]
extent (n.) , [pl. extents]
to assume (v.) , [ assumed ; assumed ]
enough (n.)
to fancy (v.)
to imagine (v.)
to believe (v.)
to take for (v.)
to judge (v.)
to find (v.)
to take as (v.)
to look at as (v.)
to figure out (v.)
to regard as (v.)
to presume (v.)
to deem (v.) , [ deemed ; deemed ]
to judge hold (v.)
to rate (v.) , {Wirt}
حَسَبَ {اقتصاد}