relevante Treffer
cowhide (n.) , [pl. cowhides]
to cleave (v.)
to rip open (v.)
to excavate (v.) , {arch.}
بَقَرَ {هندسة}
to cut open (v.)
holsteins (n.) , [sing. holstein]
to split open (v.)
to slit open (v.)
cow {s}
to disembowel (v.) , [ disembowelled / disemboweled {Am.} ; disembowelled / disemboweled {Am.} ]
cowman (n.) , [pl. cowmen] , {professions}
cowboys (n.) , [sing. cowboy]
cattlemen (n.) , [sing. a cattleman]
steer (n.) , {Zoo}
ذَكَر الْبَقَر {عالم الحيوان}
cowherd (n.) , [pl. cowherds] , {professions}
buckaroo (n.) , [pl. buckaroos]
ox (n.) , {Zoo}
ذَكَر الْبَقَر {عالم الحيوان}
cattleman (n.) , [pl. cattlemen] , {professions}
cowmen (n.) , [sing. a cowman]
cowhands (n.) , [sing. cowhand]