relevante Treffer
جرد {جمعه: جُرُود}
to unclothe (v.) , [ unclothed ; unclothed ]
جرد {مِنْ}
to undress (v.) , [ undressed ; undressed ]
جرد {مِنْ}
to evacuate (v.)
take stock {Wirt}
جَرَدَ {اقتصاد}
to disrobe (v.)
جرد {مِنْ}
to strip off (v.)
جرد {مِنْ}
to bare (v.)
جرد {مِنْ}
to inventory (v.) , [ inventoried ; inventoried ]
to dismantle (v.) , [ dismantled ; dismantled ]
جرد {مِنْ}
to empty (v.)
to void (v.)
to vacate (v.)
to denude (v.) , [ denuded ; denuded ]
جرد {مِنْ}
to deprive (v.) , [ deprived ; deprived ]
to lay bare (v.)
جرد {مِنْ}
to abrade (v.)
to strip of (v.)
to divest of (v.)
to expose (v.)
to uncover (v.)
to deprive of (v.)