Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
تناغم جمالي

relevante Treffer
aesthetical (adj.) , {arts}, [ more aesthetical ; most aesthetical ]
artistic (adj.) , {arts}
tasteful (adj.) , {arts}
aesthetic (adj.) , {arts}, [ more aesthetic ; most aesthetic ] , form.
esthetic (adj.) , [ more esthetic ; most esthetic ]
unaesthetic (adj.) , [ more unaesthetic ; most unaesthetic ]
to go well (v.) , {with}
to be in harmony (v.) , {with}
to be in agreement (v.) , {with}
to be compatible (v.) , {with}
to be consistent (v.) , {with}
to be in conformity (v.) , {with}
to be in tune (v.) , {with}
to adjust (v.) , {to}
to be in accord (v.) , {with}
to suit (v.)
to fit (v.)
to be harmonious (v.) , {with}
to blend (v.) , {with}
to match (v.)
to be concordant (v.) , {with}