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conceit (n.) , {edness}, {psych.}
تكبر {علم نفس}
to show off (v.)
to pride oneself (v.) , {on}
to boast (v.) , {ing}, [ boasted ; boasted ]
self-consequence (n.) , {psych.}
تَكَبُّر {علم نفس}
self-conceit (n.) , {psych.}
تَكَبُّر {علم نفس}
overweeningness (n.) , {psych.}
تَكَبُّر {علم نفس}
egotism (n.) , {psych.}
تَكَبُّر {علم نفس}
arrogance (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
insolence (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to turn up one's nose (v.) , {at}
to scorn (v.)
to disdain (v.)
to flaunt (v.) , {ing}, [ flaunted ; flaunted ]
arrogancy (n.) , [pl. arrogancies]
self-assumption (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
self-importance (n.) , {feelings & emotions}