relevante Treffer
peacefully (adv.) , {Pol}
سِلْمِيّ {سياسة}
peaceably (adv.) , {Pol}
سِلْمِيّ {سياسة}
Pacific (adj.) , {Geografie}
سلمي {جغرافيا}
peaceful (adj.) , [ more peaceful ; most peaceful ]
reconciliatory (adj.) , [ more reconciliatory ; most reconciliatory ]
bloodless (adj.) , [ more bloodless ; most bloodless ]
nonviolent (adj.) , [ more nonviolent ; most nonviolent ]
peaceable (adj.) , [ more peaceable ; most peaceable ]
pacifist (adj.) , [ more pacifist ; most pacifist ]
amicable (adj.) , [ more amicable ; most amicable]
حصار سلمي {سياسة}
ladder chassis {Auto.}
هيكل سُلميّ {سيارات}
تعايش {مُتَعَضّيَيْن}
co-existance {Wirt}
تعايش {اقتصاد}
symbiosis {Bio.}
تعايش {في الطفيليات}، {بيولوجيا}
cohabitation (n.) , [pl. cohabitations] , {relations}
to cohabit (v.) , [ cohabited ; cohabited ]
to coexist (v.) , {relations}, [ coexisted ; coexisted ]