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بدَل تنازُل

relevante Treffer
relinquishment (n.) , [pl. relinquishments]
condescendence (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
تنازل عن حق {اقتصاد}
abandonement {Wirt}
تَنَازُل {اقتصاد}
to be so kind to do (v.) , {nice, generous}
renunciation (n.) , [pl. renunciations]
waiver (n.) , [pl. waivers]
to abnegate (v.) , [ abnegated ; abnegated ]
to deign (v.) , [ deigned ; deigned ]
to descend (v.) , [ descended ; descended ]
to disclaim (v.) , [ disclaimed ; disclaimed ]
to stoop (v.) , [ stooped ; stooped ]
to vouchsafe (v.) , [ vouchsafed ; vouchsafed ]