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بحث عن مسببات المرض

relevante Treffer
raisers (n.) , [sing. a raiser]
etiology (n.) , [pl. etiologies]
to deal with (v.)
to explore (v.)
to take up (v.)
to consider (v.)
to survey (v.)
discussion (n.) , [pl. discussions] , {Bildung}
بحث {تعليم}
treatise (n.) , [pl. treatises] , {Bildung}
بحث {تعليم}
dissertation (n.) , [pl. dissertations] , {Bildung}
بحث {تعليم}
to study (v.) , [pl. studies] , {ing}, {Bildung}
بحث {تعليم}
quest (n.) , [pl. quests] , {Bildung}
بحث {تعليم}
to dispute (v.) , {with}
to argue (v.) , {with}
to debate (v.) , {with}
to prospect for (v.)
بحث {عن}
to drill for (v.)
بحث {عن}
to excavate (v.)
بحث {عن}
to look into (v.)
to delve into (v.)