Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
الوخز بالأبر الصينية

relevante Treffer
to make good (v.) , {one's oath, one's promise, one's word}
jabs (n.) , [sing. a jab]
to sting (v.)
to live up to (v.)
to pollinate (v.) , {Botanik}
أَبَّرَ {نبات}
to grieve (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to carry out (v.)
to redeem (v.)
to bite (v.)
to slander (v.)
to defame (v.)
to fulfill (v.)
to keep (v.)
needles (n.) , [sing. a needle]
to vilify (v.)
to asperse (v.)
stitches (n.) , [sing. a stitch]
to malign (v.)
to backbite (v.)
to traduce (v.)
to calumniate (v.)
stingers (n.) , [sing. a stinger]