vitelline pole {vegetal pole}, {Med}
القُطْبُ المُحِّيّ {القُطْبُ الإنْبَاتِيّ}، {طب}
relevante Treffer
to squelch (v.) , {relations}
to efface (v.) , {Bildung}
مَحَى {تعليم}
to delete (v.)
to crush (v.)
to clear (v.)
to axe (v.)
lecithal {Med}
to annihilate (v.)
to cancel (v.) , {math.}
محى {رياضيات}
animating (adj.)
reviving (adj.)
vitellary {Med}
vitelline {Med}
to eradicate (v.) , {Med}
مَحَى {طب}
to wipe off (v.)
to rub out (v.)
to blot out (v.)
to obliterate (v.)
to wipe out (v.)
to extinguish (v.)
to erase (v.) , [ erased ; erased ]
to squash (v.) , {relations}
to sweep away (v.)
vitelline body {yolk nucleus}, {Med}
جِسْمٌ مُحِّيّ {نَواةُ المُحّ}، {طب}