Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
القفز على الحبل

relevante Treffer
ropedancer (n.) , [pl. ropedancers]
funambulist (n.) , [pl. funambulists]
ropedancer (n.) , [pl. ropedancers]
to vault (v.)
to jump (v.) , {ing}, [ jumped ; jumped ]
jumping (n.) , {Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome}, {Sport}
قفز {مُتلازمة جِيل دولاتوريت}، {رياضة}
jump (n.) , [pl. jumps]
saltation {Med}
قَفْز {طب}
to skip (v.)
to caper (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to buck (v.) , [ bucked ; bucked ]
to vauty (v.)
to cavort (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to leapfrog (v.) , {Sport}
قَفَزَ {رياضة}