calibre {arch.}
relevante Treffer
to find (v.)
to be of the opinion (v.) , {that}
to hold (v.)
to believe (v.)
to preordains (v.) , [ preordained ; preordained ]
to think (v.)
to judge (v.)
to value (v.) , [pl. values] , {Wirt}
قدر {اقتصاد}
weight (n.) , [pl. weights]
worth (n.)
to assume (v.) , [ assumed ; assumed ]
to bad-mouth (v.) , [to bad-mouth ; bad-mouthed ; bad-mouthed ]
to bastardize (v.) , [ bastardized ; bastardized ]
to presume (v.)
magnitude (n.) , [pl. magnitudes]
amount (n.) , [pl. amounts]
appreciation (n.) , [pl. appreciations]
to price (v.)
to cherish (v.)
to treasure (v.)