Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
الغناء في كور

relevante Treffer
blower (n.) , [pl. blowers]
furnace (n.) , [pl. furnaces]
to agglomerate (v.) , [ agglomerated ; agglomerated ]
to clew (v.) , [ clewed ; clewed ]
to ball (v.) , [ balled ; balled ]
to conglomerate (v.) , [ conglomerated ; conglomerated ]
to roll (v.)
to conglobate (v.)
to pellet (v.)
كور {جعل على شكل كريات}
كور {الحَدّادِ}
footballs (n.) , [sing. a football]
كور التطبيع {المعادن}
rivet forge {arch.}
كور برشمة {هندسة}
dublin core {Comp}
chanting (n.) , {music}
glee (n.) , {music}
pleasyre (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
exultation (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
delight (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
rhapsody (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
intonation (n.) , {music}
warbling (n.) , {music}