brainstorming {Bildung}
relevante Treffer
nousic {Med}
phrenic (adj.) , {lang.}
mental (adj.) , {psych.}
ذهني {علم نفس}
intellectual (adj.) , [ more intellectual ; most intellectual]
unctuous (adj.) , {min.}
ذهني {علم المعادن}
subjective (adj.) , [ more subjective ; most subjective ]
عصف {ـتِ الرّيحُ}
to storm (v.)
عصف {ـتِ الرّيحُ}
to rage (v.)
عصف {ـتِ الرّيحُ}
عصف {السّنَيْبُلَةِ}
عصف {الرّيح}
to destroy (v.)
to ruin (v.)
to shake (v.) , {up or thoroughly}
to squall (v.)
to blow (v.) , [ blew ; blown ]
to blast (v.)
عصف {الرّيح}