Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
ارسال الطرد

relevante Treffer
to kick out (v.)
to extrude (v.)
disqualification (n.) , [pl. disqualifications]
exile (n.) , [pl. exiles]
package (n.) , [pl. packages]
parcel (n.) , [pl. parcels]
readout (n.) , [pl. readouts]
to cast out (v.)
to eject (v.)
to release (v.)
to issue (v.)
طرد {مِنْ مَنْصِب}
to excrete (v.)
to force out (v.)
to dispel (v.) , [ dispelled ; dispelled ]
to deport (v.)
to unhouse (v.)
to drive out (v.)
to ostracize (v.) , {relations}, [ ostracized ; ostracized ]
ouster (n.) , [pl. ousters]
to ouster (v.) , {Recht}
طرد {قانون}
to push away (v.)
to put out (v.)
to throw out (v.)