Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
اختبار العطل الأرضي

relevante Treffer
ground test {aeron.}
trouble {Auto.}
عطل {سيارات}
disorder (n.) , [pl. disorders]
عطل {المَفْعُولَ إلخ}
عطل {المَفْعُولَ إلخ}
to frustrate (v.)
عَطَّلَ {المَفْعُولَ إلخ}
to set back (v.)
to defuse (v.) , {a bomb, a mine, a crisis, etc.}, [ defused ; defused ]
to deactivate (v.) , [ deactivated ; deactivated ]
injury (n.)
to be defused (v.)
to invalidate (v.)
to thwart (v.)
عطل {المَفْعُولَ إلخ}
to foil (v.)
عطل {المَفْعُولَ إلخ}
collapse (n.) , {mechanical engineering}
to hinder (v.) , {relations}
to undermine (v.)