Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
إغلاق الباب بعنف

relevante Treffer
violently (adv.) , {feelings & emotions}
ruthlessly (adv.) , {feelings & emotions}
wildly (adv.)
pitilessness (n.) , {feelings & emotions}
to convulse (v.) , [ convulsed ; convulsed ]
hard (adv.)
gorily (adv.)
fiercely (adv.) , {feelings & emotions}
slap-bang (adv.) , {relations}
hot (adv.)
unkindly (adv.) , {feelings & emotions}
harshly (adv.) , {feelings & emotions}
sharply (adv.)
headily (adv.)
to whop (v.) , [ whopped ; whopped ] , {Sport}
ضرب بعنف {رياضة}
to assail (v.) , [ assailed ; assailed ]
to swat (v.) , {feelings & emotions}
to dash (v.) , [ dashed ; dashed ]