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أَزَالَ اَلْبُقَع

relevante Treffer
maculae {sing.macula}, Pl., {Med}
بُقَع {ف:بُقْعَة}، {طب}
spot (n.) , {relations}
flecks (n.) , [sing. a fleck]
to flecker (v.)
to smudge (v.) , {relations}
to bedaub (v.)
splash (n.) , {relations}
to speckle (v.) , {relations}
blot (n.) , {relations}, [ blotted ; blotted ]
to stain (v.) , {relations}
to mottle (v.) , [ mottled ; mottled ]
to smear (v.) , {relations}
spots (n.) , [sing. a spot]
splashes (n.) , [sing. a splash]
to splotch (v.) , {relations}, [ splotched ; splotched ]
to smutch (v.) , {relations}
spotter (n.) , [pl. spotters]
maculae lacteae {macula albidae}, {Med}
بُقَعٌ بَيضاء {في صفاق الميت}، {طب}