Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für
أمسية التشاور

relevante Treffer
soiree (n.) , [pl. soirees]
evening {astron.}
أمسية {فضاء وعلوم طيران}
evening (n.) , [pl. evenings]
negotiation (n.) , {Pol}
تَشَاوُر {سياسة}
research (n.) , {Bildung}
تَشَاوُر {تعليم}
to study (v.)
debate (n.) , {Pol}
تَشَاوُر {سياسة}
parley (n.) , {Pol}
تَشَاوُر {سياسة}
to intercommunicate (v.) , {com.}
تَشَاوَرَ {اتصالات}
to consult (v.) , [ consulted ; consulted ]
to confer (v.) , [ conferred ; conferred ]
deliberation (n.) , [pl. deliberations]
conference (n.) , [pl. conferences]
conferment (n.) , [pl. conferments]
consultation (n.) , [pl. consultations]
to consult (v.) , [ consulted ; consulted ]
to deliberate (v.) , [ deliberated ; deliberated ]