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أكل متعفن

relevante Treffer
rotten (adj.) , [ rottener/more rotten ; rottenest/most rotten ]
mouldy (adj.) , [ mouldier/more mouldy ; mouldiest/most mouldy ] , {Bio.}
متعفن {بيولوجيا}
mildewy (adj.) , {Bio.}
متعفن {بيولوجيا}
mildewed (adj.) , {Bio.}
متعفن {بيولوجيا}
putrid (adj.) , [ more putrid ; most putrid ]
putrescent (adj.) , [ more putrescent ; most putrescent ] , {Bio.}
متعفن {بيولوجيا}
stale (adj.)
mustier (adj.) , [ mustier ; mustiest ]
mustiest (adj.) , [ mustier ; mustiest ]
septic (adj.) , [ more septic ; most septic ]
moldy (adj.) , [ moldier/more moldy ; moldiest/most moldy]
rottenest (adj.) , [ rottener/more rotten ; rottenest/most rotten ]
mucid (adj.)
rotted (adj.) , [ more rotted ; most rotted ]
putrefying (adj.) , {Bio.}
مُتَعَفِّن {بيولوجيا}
putrefactive (adj.) , {Bio.}
مُتَعَفِّن {بيولوجيا}
strawberry rot foot {dermatophilosis}, {Med}
قَدَمُ تُوْتِ الأَرْضِ المُتَعَفِّن {دَاءُ المُجْتَلِدَات}، {طب}
to exhaust (v.)
to nourish (v.) , {nutr.}
آكَلَ {تغذيه}
victuals (n.) , {nutr.}
أَكْل {تغذيه}
to fatigue (v.)
to nurture (v.) , {nutr.}
آكَلَ {تغذيه}
carnivorous (adj.) , [ more carnivorous ; most carnivorous]