نتائج ذات صلة
to walk slowly or gradually or step by step (v.) , {go proceed, advance}
to walk slowly or gradually or step by step (v.) , {go proceed, advance}
to advance step by step (v.) , {to}
to advance step by step (v.) , {to}
تدرج {إلى}
mother (adj.) , {relations}
mother (n.) , [pl. mothers] , {relations}
mother (n.) , [pl. mothers] , {relations}
الوطن الأم {سياسة}
mother rock {Pet. Eng.}
الصخر الأم {حيث يتكون النفط}، {هندسة بترولية}
mother star {monaster}, {med.}
نَجْمٌ أُمومِيّ {النَّجْمُ المُفْرَد}، {طب}
mother spot {nevus}, {med.}