to saturate [ saturated ; saturated ]
to saturate [ saturated ; saturated ] , {chem.}
أشبع {كمياء}
to saturate [ saturated ; saturated ]
مرغ {بِالدّهْنِ إلخ}
to saturate [ saturated ; saturated ]
to saturate [ saturated ; saturated ]
saturate {med.}
نتائج مشابهة
saturated (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
saturated (adj.) , [ more saturated ; most saturated ]
saturated (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
saturated (adj.) , [ more saturated ; most saturated ] , {chem.}
مشبع {كمياء}
saturated (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
saturated air {Meteor.}
هواء مشبع {بالرطوبة}، {طقس}
saturated core {Pet. Eng.}
عينة جوفية مشربة {هندسة بترولية}
saturated steam {arch.}
بخار مشبع {هندسة}
بخار مشبع {فزياء}
مزيج مشبع {كمياء}
مركب مشبع {كمياء}